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Thursday, October 20, 2011

نصائح لرفع دخل الادسنس...تجربتي الشخصيه اهداء لكم

اخي صاحب الموقع...

هذي نقاط من تجربتي مع الادسنس انشاء الله تستفيد منها..طبق النقاط التالية ولا تستعجل على النتايج وادعيلي:

- حط مربع كبير فوق الموضوع ومربع ثاني تحت الموضوع.

- الاعلان الثالث حط سكايبر على اليمين او حط مربع ثاني كبير اضافي تحت الموضوع (اسفل بعض).
- ممكن بدل السكايبر تستخدم الاعلان العريض وتحطه في اعلى صفحة المواضيع الداخليه اهم شي مايتعارض مع النقطه التالية.
- لابد المربعات الكبيرة اللي اعلى الموضوع تكون ظاهره اول ماتفتح الصفحه يعني بدون الحاجه لتحريك السكرول بار.
- لاتضع اعلانات في اعلى اعلى الهدر ولا في الفوتر ابدا.
- لابد تثبت على قنوات ثابته...وممكن تخلي اكثر من اعلان على نفس القناه. صح انك بكذا ممكن تخسر احصاءات دقيقه من ناحية اداء كل اعلان ولكن بكذا راح تزيد عدد الظهور للقناه وتحفز استهداف قناتك عند الاعلان.
- ضع وصف حقيقي للقناه اللي لازم تثبت عليها.
- لاتستخدم الاعلانات النصيه فقط لانها غير مجديه وترفع عدد الظهور لاعلاناتك وبالتالي تأثر على معامل الدخل.
- لاتضع اعلانات في الصفحات الغير مجديه مثل صفحات ادارة الحسابات وصفحة اتصل بنا لن اللي يدخلها له هدف معين وغالبا ماراح يضغط يعني راح تزيد عدد ظهور اعلانك وبالتالي يقل دخلك.
- احبذ انك ماتحط اعلانات في رئيسية الموقع لانها ترفع عدد الظهور بشكل رهيب ومردودها مايسوى.
- لاتحط اعلان في الهدر لانه راح يظهر في كل مكان سواءا مجدي او غير مجدي وبالتالي ترفع عدد الظهور وتخسر في معادلة حساب دخلك.
- اعلاناتك دايما خلها نصيه وصور في نفس الوقت.
- احد الطرق اللي ممكن تتبعها لرفع قيمة الاعلان هي الاستغناء عن اقل الاعلانات اداء واللي راح يكون الاعلان الجانبي او العرضي العلوي...وتثبت لفترة على اعلانين في الصفحة اللي هي المربعات الكبيرة.
- مجرد ماتشوف قيمة الضغطات مناسب حاول ماتغير شي.
- حاول تصفي الاعلانات اللي مستهدفه موقعك بحيث تلغي ظهور الاعلانات اللي تحس مالها اهتمام مثل الاعلانات النصيه لتداول الذهب ولو ان نقراتها غاليه.
- نوع محتوى مواضيعك لتنوع نوعية زوارك ونوعية الاعلانات الي تظهر.
- لاتنسى ان زوارك اذا كانوا كثير ولكن اغلبهم جديدين بكذا تقل فرصة نسبة الضغط.
- غير مواقع الاعلانات بعد كل شهرين ولكن لمدة شهر وارجع مره اخرى زي ماكنت قبل بحيث تنشط اداء مواقع الاعلان.
- لاتنسى ان المواقع الجديه واللي زوارها محترفين او كبار في السن (+30) راح تعطي نقرات قليلة.
- حاول تشوف انسب طريقة اعلانيه لموقعك تجيب زوار وبحيث تكون خسارتك في الاعلان اقل من دخلك من الزوار الجدد...وهذي اتركها لك تحاول توزنها على حسب نوع موقعك.
- لاتنسى ان الموقع البطيء عدو نجاحك وراح يقلل نسبة الضغط اضف ان الاعلان ممكن مايظهر حتى!
- ولاتنسى ان هذي تجربتي الشخصيه والمعادله تختلف من موقع لموقع.

5 نصائح لنجاح منتداك و تحقيق الربح فى ادسنس

5 نصائح لنجاح منتداك و تحقيق الربح فى ادسنس

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قد يستطيع أي صاحب منتدى الحصول على الزوار بأي طريقة كانت (سواء كانت شرعية أم لا)

لكن ليس أي صاحب منتدى يستطيع الحصول على أعضاء لمنتداه
هنا بعض النصائح التي تساعدك على جلب الأعضاء لمنتداك

حدد هدفك :

لا تنشئ منتدى لكل شيء و لا يحوي شيء
أي تجد أقساما ً متنوعة (سيارات - بلوتوث - صيانة …..) و لكنها خالية تماما ً رغم مرور أشهر على افتتاح المنتدى
تخصص في شيء تحبه
تحب التصميم ؟
أنشئ منتدى للتصميم
(هنالك الكثير منها يا طارق !)
خطوة نحو التميز :
ليكون المنتدى مميزا ً , لا بد أن يكون القائمين عليه مميزينو هنا هم “المشرفين ”
إذا ً كيف نختبر المشرفين ؟
يمكنك الإعلان عن مسابقة في التصميم , الفائز فيها يكون مشرفا ً
و بهذا تصيب عصفورين بحجر واحد :
1. تتأكد من موهبة المشرفين
2. عندما يجد الفائز في المسابقة نفسه مشرفاً سيقدم كل ما لديه للمنتدى (باعتبار أنه لم يحصل على الإشراف بسهولة)
انتظر حتى تفقد السيطرة :
أقصد لا تتطلب مشرفين حتى تحتاج إليهم فعلا ً
ما الذي سيدفع شخص ما إلى الإشراف , إن لم يكن هناك أعضاء؟ أو كان هنالك 20 -30 عضو ؟
سيترك المنتدى ز لن يعود له , لأنه أصيب بالملل
ضع مواضيع مميزة تجذب الأعضاء
و حين يصبح عددهم كبيرا ً
ابحث عن مشرفين
لا تغلق الباب و تطلب من الزائر الدخول :
لا شك أنك دخلت إلى منتدى , منع صاحبه الزوار من رؤية المشاركات حتى يسجلوا
ماذا كان موقفك ؟
خروج أبدي من المنتدى بكل تأكيد !
إذا ً لا تفعل مثله <=
 المصدر : -

Learn How To Make Money with Google Adsense

Google adsense or also known as Adsense becomes popular nowadays. I am seeing lots of site with some ad serving program. And I also read lots of article proving that a webmaster can really earn when you put adsense on a site or blog. They even forget the eBay and other affiliate programs.

Google Adsense becoming one of the most popular method of placing advertisements in different sites. Putting adsense on your site is very easy. Just copy and paste the codes on your site and then wait for a couple of minutes and then you will see the advertisement. Even a full time mom can do it.

Putting adsense on your site is not enough for you to be able to earn hundreds of dollars. You also need to know the different tricks to earn in no time.

Here are the top 10 tricks that I found from the different Adsense gurus who are sharing their knowledge on how they earn cash through adsense :

1. The color of your ads is one of the trick that you should learn. Make sure that your ads color is the same as your web site palette. Instead of using frames choose the same color as your page background for the ad frame and for the ad background.

2. Avoid using those horizontal banner or leaderboard ads. Because Adsense gurus said that people are blind to those kinds of ads.

3. You can use the Google Heat map for you to know where is the best place to put the adsense on a site. Google has its own Adsense optimization tips for that.

4. Competitive keywords can trigger Adsense ads on a page. You can use a keyword research tool for you to be able to grab the most popular keywords. The more popular your keyword is the higher the adwords advertisers are willing to pay per click for it.

5. Create an ads that looks like your page.

6. Google’s link ad unit seem to have a much higher CTR or Click-Through Rate. There are different ad formats that you can use.

7. You can add some images next to your ads. Those images can draw images to your ads.

8. You can add 3 Adsense ads and 1 link unit on your page ot 1 adsense referral button plus 3 other unit. Make sure that you place those ads to the right place that for your ads not to distract the readers.

9. Focus on a particular niche. Your content that focuses on a particular niche can trigger Adwords ads that closely match the content. This will make your visitor be more interested to click on your ads.

10. Use custom Ad Channels for each of your ad placements, for example, “Top 5 Link Unit Blue Palette” or “Left Side Navigation Image Skyscraper” etc. Tweak, track and measure the success of each of these custom channels so you know what gives you the highest CTR. Some ad formats and colors will work better than others, but you won’t know which until you test, test and test some more!

Source :

A fresh face for link units - Inside AdSense

Link units got a facelift!
Check more details:
 If you're using link units, you know that they're a great way to earn additional revenue from the smaller spaces on your site. We've made a few updates to this ad type in the past, but today, we're giving link units a well-deserved facelift. We decided that it was time to reevaluate the layout of the link unit and the landing page in order to give this ad type both a modern look and a great performance boost. Here’s an overview of what’s changing.

The link unit
We’ve heard feedback from publishers that it isn’t clear why they should choose to show four versus five terms in their link units. Most people pick one of these options by guessing the expected performance. We’ve actually found that link units with four terms almost always perform better than five. As a result, we’re reducing the number of topics in all link units to four for horizontal orientations and three for vertical orientations. If you’re currently using link units, this change will happen automatically. We’re also slightly increasing spacing between and font size of each term.

Applying For Your Adsense Account

Once you are prepared to apply for a Google Adsense account, it’s as simple as filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit confusing.
In this section, I’ll go over filling out the form, so that Google will approve you without any problems. You can find the form to apply for an Adsense account at:
The first thing that the form asks for is the URL of your website. Note that even if you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one. So, list the URL of the site that you have set up for the purpose of being approved for Google Adsense, and enter the URL like this:
You do not have to include the http:// part of the URL, and don’t include any subpages of the URL, such as Google wants to see the main page of the site, at the top level domain.
Next, Google wants to know what language your site is published in. If your site supports multiple languages, this is fine, but this isn’t what Google wants to know. They want to know the primary language of the site – this would be the language that you used to write the pages, such as English.
The next question on the form throws a lot of people into a tail spin. It asks if you are setting up an individual or business account.
Here is a way to simplify this question: If you do not have an office or business that currently has 20 or more employees, you are an individual. It doesn’t matter what your future plans are. Next, select the country that you live in.
The following part of the form asks for your information: name, street address, city, and state. It is important to note that when Google pays you, the check will be made out to the name that you put here, and sent to the address that you put here. So, use the information that you need to use here in order to receive the check, and to cash or deposit the check.
After your name and address, Google wants your telephone number. They probably won’t call you, but sometimes they will, if there is a problem or a question. Give a good phone number where you can be reached. You do not have to provide a fax number.
Here, you can also choose to receive Google’s newsletter – or not. Choosing not to receive the newsletter will not have any affect on whether or not you are approved.
All About Residual Income With Adsense

Following this, there are a number of check boxes, all of which must be checked, before you can submit the application.
By checking these boxes, you are saying that you will not click on the ads on your pages, that you will not encourage visitors to click on your ads (incentives), that you are able to receive checks that are made out to you, that you will not place ads on pornographic sites, and that you have read the Adsense program policies.
Finally, you submit the form, and prepare to wait. Your site will be checked by a live human being. Approval is manual, not automated, and it can take up to three business days (72 hours) before you hear from a Google representative. That contact usually comes via email.
- Wait, what is this “Product selection”?
This appears on some application forms and seems confusing to many -- choose both: Adsense for Content and Adsense for Search. This means that you can run both, but don’t have to run both.
You can have Google ads appear on your pages (Adsense for Content) and you can also include a Google search box on your pages (Adsense for Search), and when people use those search boxes, and click on sponsored ads in the results, you get paid for those clicks as well.

Preparing For Your Adsense Account

The hardest part of getting started with Adsense is getting Google to approve your website. In fact, for many, it is easier to get a $100,000 bank loan than it is to get a free Google Adsense account. The key is to be prepared before you apply.
You can’t start using Google Adsense on your pages until you are approved. This means that you must prepare to open an account, before you apply for an account.
The very first thing you must do is read Google’s Terms of Service (TOS). If your site doesn’t fall within the guidelines that Google sets out, it will be denied. Furthermore, even after you are approved and you start running Google ads on your site, if you break the TOS, you will be removed, and possibly banned, from the program.
Specifically, what you are looking for is the Program policies, which can be found at Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on then Program Policies link. The first thing to note is that Google will not accept any site that is not complete.
This means that you can’t have any pages that are ‘under construction.’ All of the pages must be complete, and all of the links must be working. Make sure that all of your graphics are also appearing correctly, because even a broken graphic can prevent you from getting approved.
Google also has a set of Quality Guidelines that must be adhered to before you can be approved. These guidelines, along with the program policies, will tell you exactly what you can and can’t have on your site, and what is expected of you and your site in terms of meeting the qualifications for a Google Adsense account. You can find these guidelines at
One mistake that so many would-be Adsense publishers make is not reading the TOS, the Program Policies, and the Webmaster Guidelines. Google lays these out in very specific terms, so there is no doubt as to the rules. They are also very serious about these rules.
Often, people skip this step in the preparation – reading the rules – work hard to build a site, only to be disapproved by Google, or to be approved, but then banned from the program later.
Don’t let this happen to you. These are rules that you must not only follow in order to get approved, but must continue to follow in order to stay in the
All About Residual Income With Adsense
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Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
program. You don’t want to spend days and weeks putting together sites, only to get kicked out of the program later. Google is very serious about this.
Once you’ve read the rules, and made sure you understand them, the next part of the preparation is doing research to find out which topics will be the most profitable for you, and getting the site built. We will cover these topics in more depth in a later article, but for now, you just need one website that will be approved by Google.
Remember that you only have to get approved for one site in order to get in the program, and from there on, you can publish as many sites as you want, on a wide variety of topics, and use Google Adsense on them, from the one account that you have been approved for.
While many just put up a website that will meet Google’s standards, without doing any research in order to get approved, you could also take a little longer, and go ahead and build a site that you can use to target the high paying keywords.
This is totally up to you, and it really doesn’t matter much which direction you go, as long as the site will get you approved for a Google Adsense account.
I usually recommend creating and building a blog, and apply using that one. You may not know this, but Google owns Blogger

Google Adsense Secrets Revealed


In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion and information concerning Google’s Adsense program at
There have been truckloads of eBooks and articles written on the topic.
But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as those who have been around a while.
First, let’s take a look at exactly what Adsense is and what it is all about:
“Adsense is a program for webmasters which was implemented by the famous Google some years ago.”
Essentially, a webmaster (a person who owns and builds one or more websites) signs up for an account with the program, and once they are approved, they paste the Google Adsense javascript code into the pages on their websites.
Google then starts serving ads to those websites, based on the keywords that it finds in the text of the page. When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the webmaster makes money – usually a few cents per click.
However, when a site has a great deal of traffic, and when the webmaster knows which keywords are the most profitable to target, there is a lot of money to be made.
It sounds simple enough, but it’s really NOT that easy. First of all, you have to be approved – and Google is picky these days. The good news is that once one site is approved, and you have a Google Adsense account, there is no need to seek Google’s approval to use Adsense on any other site that you own, as long as that site is within the Google’s terms of service guidelines.
Once you are approved, you have to know which keywords to target – the ones that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have written for you) content that makes those high paying ads appear on your site.
Finally, you have to learn how to drive traffic to your Adsense site. Without the traffic, you won’t get any clicks, and without clicks, you won’t be making any money.
All About Residual Income With Adsense
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Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Getting real, targeted visitors that are eager to click on your ads is by far the hardest part of being an Adsense publisher. There really aren’t any secrets here – it is just a matter of learning to use some basic, proven site promotion techniques.
You may have heard gurus say that Google Adsense is dead? If you haven’t heard this, there will come a point when you will. But that really isn’t true. In fact, there are thousands of people just like you that are making very nice livings from the Google Adsense program.
Usually when a guru says that you should not use Google Adsense, they generally mean that you are better off not using it, especially when you are promoting your own product, and your website is tightly focused on that product.
However, you can use Google Adsense for a site that was built specifically for the Adsense program (Adsense Ready Sites), or on sites that you are using to promote affiliate products as well.
You should also note that many successful Adsense publishers have more than one website. They typically have numerous websites, on a variety of topics on which they display the Google ads. However, there are also those that simply have one high traffic website, from which they make money from the Adsense program.
Regardless of this, all Adsense publishers start with just one website, and grow from there, and this is what you should be doing as well. You have to get the basics down, and learn the secrets that surround the profitability of Google Adsense before you can be successful with more sites.